© 2015 cheeweihenryheng

Film Seminar Week 9


12002849_411205499072544_6444189589757629384_nThis is the week! The moment of excitement and fear. There is so much going on in our heads. After the poster was done, James and Natalie printed a lot of the poster image and paste it around campus. It can be seen in building 9, 80, 94, etc. On Wednesday, we thought we want to step up our game a little and James and I went to building 8 to print a bigger poster for publicity. Initially we wanted to print four A2’s but changed our minds to four A1’s. We have absolutely no clue A1 is that huge! We trimmed it on some razor machine and it was insanely satisfying to get rid of the white borders. This is why ‘bleeding’ is so important. It makes the poster look better.

Bleed is the zone outside the trim area. Margin is the zone inside the trim area. Bleed is a printing term that refers to printing that goes beyond the edge of the sheet before trimming. In other words, the bleed is the area to be trimmed off.

Once done, we paste four of the posters in Building 9 and Building 80. One in level 2’s wall by the stairs and in the common area. One in building 80’s pillar by the main entrance and another beside the seminar hall where it is supposed to be held.


That publicity was really good and I got a lot of questions regarding what it was about through Facebook messaging. The only sad part was most of my friends couldn’t not attend due to tight schedules. At least they got the message!

Besides the publicity bit, Dom is working on the introduction video and I pitched the idea of having some graphics for the background during the seminar itself. The group liked it and I went with it. Basically making the poster move at the background. Day to night, moons moving, twinkling stars and as well as shooting stars. The only downfall was that this idea came to my mind too late. My computer is very slow when it comes to rendering an After Effect folder, hence I do not get the chance to watch a full preview before exporting the .mp4. I only can view in unreal time. Therefore I cannot watch the whole thing like how we watch a video on Premiere before exporting it. It takes 9 hours to render a 5 minute video. By then it was already near the seminar time. Initially I wanted to it make an hour, but rendering takes more than 200 hours. Once rendered, I notice many mistakes in my animation. The clouds were not moving and the shooting stars did not ‘die’ smoothly. Time was not on our side but we just have to use this anyway.

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