© 2015 cheeweihenryheng

Film Seminar Week 7

This week focuses on getting our promo video started as well as getting a picture of Jim for the poster. Dominic, Gina, Tan, Chris and Jim were present for the shoot. It just a simple shoot where we all have a small part in doing certain things for the scene. When all is done, the footages are exported to the edit suites. Before we pack up, I took a few picture of Jim so I could finish the poster in time.

IMG_6764 IMG_6760 IMG_6767 IMG_6770


This was a finalised poster (supposedly)


However, the outcome does not seem as positive as it seems. The team agrees and gives a lot of constructive feedback. Since we still have some time before our seminar, I tried to change a bit here and there. I’m not giving up on making this poster look good! Unable to craft that image from my vision is not acceptable! With my limited skills (not a design student), I have to do what I can. Team Film must not be let down!

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