© 2015 cheeweihenryheng

Film Seminar Week 5

As part of a big group of 14 people, I chose to get involved in anything that is creative related. POSTERS! Designing is not my best field but I have a couple of experience in the past working on designing posters for societies and and being a co-editor for a theatre group in Melbourne University. I thought this would be a good opportunity to regain my photoshop touch.

Since it is early, I do not have a solid concept of what kind of poster I should make since the group chose the theme Star Wars. It is early and most of us do not know what we should get involved. Koston, Linh and I decided to pick a day to draft out an idea of what it should look like. We were suggested to look at the classic Star Wars poster and absorb some inspiration from it. The issue was that the posters involves character faces in it, blended together on a black stary background. It would be absurd to use any one of our faces in the poster. We then discarded the idea and thought of something more modernised. Hence, our inspiration came from the fan made SStar Wars 7 poster.




After compiling ideas here and there, we decided to go with the third draft. A character standing on the top of a ledge staring at the background with his back facing the lens.


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