A4: The future of my artifact(s)

For further improvements, I would keep the same structure and narrative but work on the sound design. I like to keep that consistency going by adding room noise, so the cuts are not identifiable. I believe that sound plays a crucial part whether it is from opening the laptop to the dialogue where the audience can anticipate the characters’ next move. It would also be worthwhile to play around with the panning technique to create a distance between the character and the laptop if this short film was to be played on YouTube. The audience can notice the shift with their headphones, by having the keyboard typing lightly on the right side of the headphones and the left side would have ambience of the XR.

If this short film was to be screen somewhere publicly on a bigger screen, I would love to extend the short film’s duration to add a scene from my character closing her laptop, to have that sense of a happy ending and give the film a proper unity as the short film starts with her and should end with her. I would also add more insight on Cherry’s character with more shots of her room and laptop, to have some sense of who she is as a person. For instance, my character can be easily described with objects around her room, such as the clapperboard to cameras on her shelf. This suggests that my character is definitely into filming and perhaps calls herself a cinephile.

I would also love to work more on the dialogue by adding more exchanges and text between the two characters to add more authenticity and perhaps some information about MIFF XR in a subtle way. This would help flesh out both, the relationship between the two characters and the XR. In terms with the text exchanges, instead of having the message popping up in an instant, I would love to animate which would help flow the narrative in terms with engaging the audience but due to time and having to collaborate remotely, it was hard to keep sharing project files all the time for a little creative decision. I would have animated for the message to be revealed from top to bottom. I would also keep finessing the text as the photoshop did not clearly outline the bubble as the audience can see the white edges if this was to be uploaded on YouTube or even distributed on a bigger screen. If the duration could be extended, I would love to interview another programmer for Cherry’s character to interview and specifically asked about what it is like to collaborate with other programmers and their thoughts on the XR.

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