Looking at this week’s key rhythm; precarious, it presented itself as the most complex so far yet indescribably fascinating. After an initial haziness, I came to understand precariousness to encapsulate the uncertainty, unexpected and uncontrollable nature of everyday life – the way things can simply and subtly “accrete, accrue and wear out” (Stewart, 2012) over time.
My artefact attempts to explore this concept of precariousness through the variables of weather, lighting and colour. I chose to include shots of my plant (a tree) on two different days in different conditions and ordered them in contrast with one another to emphasise the distinction between ambience and atmosphere. This intended to highlight the precarious nature of weather and the uncertainty of sunshine or gloom – as I stood in the same place, under the same tree, yet experienced differing “transient” moments. Through layering a variety of these shots together, I attempted to further accentuate the contrast between the blue and grey skies.
Taking on in-class feedback, I could make an effort to include more close-up shots of leaves and bark, looking at precariousness on a more intricate level. I could also explore more minimal editing/ cutting between and instead including long lasting shots more often, as I sometimes find myself shying away from stillness.
References: Stewart, K. (2012) ‘Precarity’s Forms’, Cultural Anthropology, 27(3), pp. 518–525.