Week 8: Prototypes and Strategy

Conclusively, through focusing on the specific target audience of 18-29 year olds and exploring the overarching question of: How can social media be used most effectively? I decided to use Facebook to prototype potential still images/ infographics. 

In creating these prototypes I decided to focus on three specific avenues of productivity, sleep and levels of communication that are largely shaped through the social media habits of my target audience. Logistically, the three posts could circulate individually through a strategic schedule (e.g. sleep post – after 10pm) while still exhibiting a recognisable theme and central message. To enhance this unity between the individual posts, I maintained a basic colour palette, text font and layout of the posts. I decided on a neutral colour palette of grey, blue and yellow with minimal text to position the posts as simple, relaxed and reassuring. The intention of this strategy is unlike a bold, eye-catching sale promotion that seeks immediate reaction from a consumer, but instead these posts encourage subtle reflection on social media habits and provide guidelines towards maintaining an effective online experience. 

Prototype 1

Prototype 2

Prototype 3







Facebook P1

Facebook P2

Facebook P3






As a whole, I found this Assignment to be rather engaging and insightful as to how social media content can originate. Although sometimes tedious, the process of selecting a question, researching, refining and creating a prototype certainly provoked insight into marketing messages, consumers online habits and the function of social media. Further, this assignment has reinforced my initial goals surrounding helpful and meaningful online content creation particularly during challenging times – a concept I hope to further expand on in the weeks to come. 

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