Moving forward with my research this week, I decided to focus on Facebook as the primary platform to implement a social media strategy. Referring back to the Sensis data (2020) retrieved from my target audience (18-29 year olds), it was found that 79.2% of them used Facebook as their most common form of social media.
As a platform, Facebook functions as a rather multilayered and flexible avenue for disseminating a message online. As it has evolved over the years, gaining traction among a vast range of demographics who all engage with the app for different purposes. Facebook allows for various forms of communication both formal (articles, news reports) and more informal (statuses, memes, images) in nature. In creating a prototype post I intend to exercise an almost neutral state between this informative vs humorous approach. My posts will be informative as they’re based around online behavioural advice, yet I still want the tone to remain understanding and relatable to a younger target audience – almost a visual communicative image of Hey! I’m just like you, here’s how I can help!
Further, in planning how to best implement a social media strategy utilising the interface and features of Facebook – I looked at the possibilities of sponsored content as a call to action or creating polls as more of a user/consumer driven engagement.
I’m interested in the possibility of using polls to supplement visual stills that run as sponsored Facebook posts. Through this, the polls could extract key information from the visuals to encourage further user contemplation and engagement surrounding the topic – effective use of social media. Poll examples could include;
- Have you reached out to a loved one online today? (Yes, No)
- Have you taken a break from your screen in the last hour? (Yes, No)