Week 5: Research

Continuing my process towards posing a specific question to explore online, I decided to investigate possibilities stemming from the intended target audience of 18 – 29 year olds, arguably the most active social media consumers. Using the filter programming within the Sensis report (2020) I was able to gain insight into their online habits and interpret both their wants and needs as a demographic.

Notable insight from participants (aged 18 – 29) data were as follows;

  • 90% own smartphones 
  • 42.7% access the internet 20+ times a day 
  • 43.8% most commonly look at social media before bed 
  • 86.3% Facebook most used social media site 
  • 48.9% think they currently spend too much time on social media sites 
  • Q: Do you believe social media tends to have a positive or negative impact, or no impact on the following aspects of your life?
  • Sleeping 45% Negative 
  • Productivity 46% Negative 
  • Concentration 52% Negative 
  • How connected you feel to others 56% Positive  
  • Q: For what reasons, do you use social media sites?
  • 79.2% To catch up with friends and family

In analysing these findings from the Sensis data, I was particularly interested in the impact of social media, and how this virtual world has become increasingly intertwined with our physical realities – for better or for worse. This informed the basic premise of the question I’ll explore through a social media strategy;

 How can we (18-29 years olds) use social media most effectively? 

This refers to ‘most effectively’ in terms of social media use that is a helpful extension to everyday living – promoting fulfilment and general well being, using social media as a resource, network and relief rather than to experience negativity or avoid responsibilities. I intend to expand on this concept in the weeks to come. 


Sensis (2020), Have your say Australia, Yellow Social Media Report, data file, Sensis, Melbourne, <https://portal.glowfeed.com/shared-report/f98c499e-2cfd-4c17-8432-12fa1d4734b6?token=df9fc36c000cb1478205baf09511eb8e&emailVerifyToken=5m3vl72n0>.


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