My own understandings of social media are ever-evolving, increasingly so as I recognise the complex, multifaceted nature of the term and all that it encompasses. In unpacking my understanding, I intend to utilise my experiences with social media as a consumer to inform my decisions as a creator. Over my past years at University specifically, I have recognised a shift in my interpretation of social media and its affordances. As something I previously engaged with primarily for entertainment and conversing with friends as a teenager, social media now seems like more of a tool with which one can navigate through business, relationships, lifestyle and ultimately society. Moving forward in this studio, I hope to take this tool of social media along with the tool of data to ultimately create something that is a beneficial extension to the consciousness of an online audience. Something with purpose and intention that is tailored to their interests, highlights a new perspective or fills a gap in the social media sphere.
Further, with the extensive data and detail provided through the Sensis surveys, my work will be informed by the social media habits of specific audiences. Particularly aided through the ‘filter’ aspect on the survey, I will be able to hone in on individual ideals and demographics, tailoring my work to best suit their online experiences.
Lastly, to reference my own aforementioned examples of social media surrounding the rampant news coverage of COVID-19, I intend to create work in this studio that will counteract any overwhelming and unhelpful feelings that can surface through online media coverage. With a deeper awareness of the implications of social media, the feelings it can elicit and the mark it can leave – emphasising the value of two-way communication between the media maker and the audience.
As a whole, I foresee that the Sensis data, my own understandings and the highlighted examples of social media will provide a solid foundation to build on in this studio. I look forward to the further learning, insight and eventual creation of my own social media artefact – a personal contribution to the boundless entity that is online communication as we know it.