movie list – what inspires me?

So folks, I’m sure I’ve been quite nasty with my abundance of descriptions underlined with much excitement towards the project that I have in mind. This post will begin the journey towards its making by listing down some of the movies that I could garner some inspiration from. I move towards making my mood board and a sample video of what I would like to see for my final project.

At the moment, I’m still very much on the “ancient world” mindset so here are some movies/television shows that are centred around this particular world.

After my chat with Paul previously in regards to the novel that I would like to base my project on, I have decided, instead of explicitly adapting the material, to take some scenes, characters, motivations, and themes, and underscore that with mythology free and in the public domain. By converging these aspects together, I rid myself of the “copyright” inferno. Score.

I will be re-watching and taking note of particular clips and scenes in the list above and will be archiving them on Premiere.


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