Something intelligible (I hope)

Semester 2 blues! Ah yes, when the flu season has arrived with wanton coughing, free sniffing’s and much much non-sleeping because you simply cannot breathe…you know the great last half of the year has finally arriiivveeeed. I’m spinning around in my chair.


Because this semester is about to go haywire out-of-the-loop as I will be joining my (currently) non-existent American pals for an adventure of a lifetime: a student exchange in a far off land, thousands of km’s away from my private space, semi-private-semi-shared bathroom with only two of the messiest, non-cleaning brothers of all time (let’s see how you both will cope without me cleaning the toilette this time), and the littlest of sisters to both annoy and dance out loud to Little Mix’s Black Magic because yes, I have wingardium leviosa’d their song in my 2015 Party in the USA playlist because it’s freakin’ catchy, okay?!

But without the judgementals and ze parentals, this grand adventure will be taking off in two days! And don’t worry, I’ll be updating y’all, fellow media students and poor internet readers who somehow stumbled upon this confusion of a blog o’ mine about how I will feel about eating my first ever NYC bagel, how I will meet Mickey and potentially cry, how I will never bump with a celebrity, and how I will go about in cheering for my favourite Falcons in a “college football” game I know nothing about.

Oh, this will be SAH.MUCH.FUN.

toodles for now~

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