Dom’s View on Hypertext

Dom has a great post about Hypertext. He starts by providing multiple examples of ways hypertext can be used. He links to other people blogs, other photo’s and uses words and images as the link.

He looks at the way’s in which people use hypertext today and explains how this weeks reading by Landow examines electronic linking and how it can also be used within e-books. He goes on to explore how this allows readers to navigate a text with ease and efficiency, such as skipping to a specific chapter of a novel at the touch of a button. Or, in some instances, to other texts entirely.

I find it interesting how these links create an intricate world of endless interconnected texts. It allows a more three dimensional world, branching out from traditional print literacy to an existence of networked literacy.

This post was helpful as I focused on the second reading instead by Jay David Bolter about writing space.


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