Lecture Summary: Week 4

In this week’s lecture the main focus was on multiplatform media. We discussed how it is simply not enough to pitch to a studio an idea for a movie. In the 21st century companies need to see that the idea you are pitching can generate money on multiple platforms. The example of this given was big brother which includes a 24 hour live stream, prime time television slot, sms voting and more. Video games are currently the largest entertainment industry in terms of profit. Video game companies are able to establish whole interactive worlds in which an audience can be invested in. These levels of interactivity goes beyond the video game with many developers implementing online scoring boards, merchandise, TV spin offs and even physical toys that connect to the game.

In the final thoughts of the lecture it was said that our lives are not narratives. This discussion raised a number of issues I had with what the lecturer was saying. Adrian Miles stated something along the lines of “show me a definition of the word narrative that can be associated with your life” and went on to explain how a narrative has a beginning middle and end and your life doesn’t it is just a series of events. However the definition of narrative i was taught is “narrative is a series of events in cause and effect appearing in a space and time.” My life is a series of events based of cause and effect. I am in this course because I studied hard and achieved a high enough mark. I was late for University because my train was cancelled. These are all events that happened because of cause and effect. How whole life is based off cause and effect. As for the second argument my life does have a beginning middle and end. Sure I don’t know what the end will be but then again some large scale productions are started without knowing the exact ending. It changes along the way. ‘I am Legend’ ‘World War Z’ ‘Blade Runner’ these are all prime examples of how the ending was not entirely thought out. To prove my point more you only have to look at biographical films that are LITERALY the story of people’s lives, beginning to end.

source: blackreelawards

Lecture Notes: Week 5

Documentary wants to engage with the world.

Change my understanding of a subject.

–          Korsakov will make us think differently on what we think film is and what we think documentaries are.

–          Korsakow creates a structure that the user can work with the producer.

–          TV shows are set up as a 4 stage structure. 4 ad breaks per show which dictate each act.

–          Korsakow does not have this structure. Does not have these limitations.

–          We still have shots and sequences. But it’s up to the view the sequence they view them in.

–          Korsakow: you surrender your control

–          Media designers over media producers.


–          Reality TV and other media has become so hybridized. Nothing fits in a perfect box. E.g. Big Brother is a SMS voting system, website, subscription service, TV show.

–          Every reality TV show is like a video game, rules, level up, quests,

–          Computer games are the biggest form of entertainment.

–          Looking at something always triumphs technical equipment e.g. HD video.

– The grandma at the party  shooting video isnt thinking “is it good enough?”

Lecture Summary: Week 3

In this week’s lecture we focused heavily on the concept of taxonomies. Taxonomy refers to the classification or grouping of subjects. In this lecture we were advised not to place works we view into categories but rather view it for what it is. In a course where we often view the conventions of particular genres this task proves to be more difficult than it seems. In relation to Korskov, they seem to be a style of film I have never seen before, almost like a mash up of a whole bunch of different media forms. Documentary, interactive movie and video games? I believe when I explore making my own Korsakov film I’ll be able to more accurately define it but it seems like a prime example of a media type that does not fit into taxonomies. We also looked into terms and conditions in relation to the Johnny Cash project and the terms and conditions of sites like facebook. It was said that all projects like this have a terms and conditions form in which participants need to click I agree. Are all audiences aware of the participation?

source: brainpickings.org

Organisation Update

My weekly task of posting my lecture notes has proved successful. On two separate occasions I needed to look back on previous lecture notes to write blog summaries. It was because of this system that I was able to easily access this material. When it comes to organization there are a few improvements I could make to my blog. As of this time my blog consists only of a main news feed. To increase productivity I intend to create links on my header of my blog to various grouped post so if in the future, for example, I need to view my sketch films I have created , rather than scrolling through my blog feed I’ll be able to just click on that one link. Isolating the elements of my blog is a standard in web design so there is no reason why this shouldn’t be the case with my site. Another aspect of my blog I could improve on in the next three weeks is describing the videos I have created with Tags and or a description so that I am aware of the thought process I took when coming up with that sketch film. I believe that these small improvements will help the organization on my blog.