Eeek had to pop off to New Zealand early to see my family so was unable to attend both the screening and the seminar… BUT thankfully with Daniel’s help I think I finally feel confident in my PB3. I was really nervous for this has I have to make a video genre sketch, but I think the creative and unique light I am wanting to convey could really work in my favour. I have decided to look into Film Noir as it is so different from anything I would ever watch, but I really like the expected creative aspect of it. I have always been a lover of crime and horror films so I feel that with a touch of Film Noir I can present a wacky and abstract image. What I focussed on in my last genre sketch was the idea of gender in the horror genre- this is something I feel passionate about and feel that I can develop into other genres which I want to also flow into as I feel it is something people don’t usually focus on but can really dive into the conventions of Film Noir as well.

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