Statement of Intent for Media Two Studio (Exploding Genre)
For the coming of semester two I intend to broaden my knowledge about genres in not only films, but in other media platforms. I find this area of study very interesting as directors and producers have to continually understand and develop towards what audiences want in terms of genre and feel this area of study continues to grow over many years to come.
Throughout this studio I would like to become more knowledgable in specific genres such as horror or documentary. In school I did some study about the horror genre and feel the conventions and theories were very interesting in which they engaged with audiences and had a clear connection to the directors intention of the films. Specifically in this genre I would like to look into ideas such as the male gaze and iconography and understand how this has developed over the years in order to keep engagement with audiences and help the horror genre to keep growing in the media industry.
I feel very governed by the documentary film genre as I see it as a very important part of everyday life. It is a good way to keep informed in a visual way. I think that it would be interesting to look at the conventions of these films and how they differ from other film genres as it is more of an informative genre and has a clear directors purpose of the film.
For both of these genres but possibly more so horror I want to look into technical skills such as camera angles and lighting in order to understand why they are used, and how that reacts with the audiences engagement. This research can then further lead to discovery about the changing of genre conventions and how today genres have had to become hybrid as audience are no longer as engaged with straight genres as they once were.