Week 7 Reading #2: The creative power of Collaboration

The focus in this point of our media I seemed to think was about Documentary films, but in this reading it really threw me off course to the idea about flow and collaboration was different from the Media that we had earlier been listening to. I related to this reading because it talked about the idea of sport. If you like a sport, are good at it and feel as if you are playing to YOUR rules, you really enjoy it. When you have an issue about it or feel as if you can’t do something as you want then it becomes less interesting and something you don’t want to do. This relates to the idea of flow and being creative. If you don’t get your head around something or feel you like you can’t do it on ‘your’ terms it will never develop to the possible extent that it could.

I found this reading a bit hard to understand in relation to media, so I thought in order for it to have an effect I would apply it to how I understood it. The example they gave us in the reading was about basketball which is a team sport- team sport is much like working in a group and collaborating with people (which is what we are going to have to do in our groups assignment). Like I said earlier on in this post- if you don’t get your head around something or understand majority of what is going on you wont preform to the best of your abilities. In this specific example given in the reading it talked about a basket ball game, which was given on the terms of the players- much like a group activity (collaboration of people). In order for the game (or group activity) to be successful all the members of the team need to give equal participation, share ideas in order to get the best possible outcome of the situation. It shows in the reading that this relates to the idea of flow, flow works best in communication between people to get the best possible outcome.

I always find in group activities there is always one person who gives majority of the effort compared to other people. I really want to make sure when this applies to my media course this wont be the case- because I have been in situations where this happens and you are never able to get the best possible results out of it.

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