Week 3 Reading’s and Video

This morning I watched an online video set for us from David Gauntlett and his discussion about his new book. He made it very clear that Media is something that will continue to grow for many years to come and more then looking at Media as a whole it is split up into two parts of creativity/making things and surveillance/exploitation. Its not so much of how they are different but how they are put together in a positive way. One key point that stood out to me is the idea that people are so consumed about learning about media rather then learning with it. Media is changing at a fast pace everyday so it is better to move with it then focus on it, it is all about “moving forward” rather then looking backwards on it. Another point that he discusses in his book is media is a medium for triggering experiences, a place of communicating with people, exchanging and transformation to making our lives better. I feel this is important because it shows the positive sides of media and how we should use it to benefit our lives and exchange with one another.

I feel media should be used as a learning tool and something we can benefit from rather then a place we just retrieve information. Looking at media from the point of view from another person points it in the direction that media is anything you want it to be and if you really want it to have an impact on your life you can grow with it and interact in a beneficial way.

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