Hobbit and the five armies!
July 29, 2014 | Uncategorized, Week 2 | Leave a Comment
Oh my gosh, after waiting for a while the teaser trailer has finally come out!
I couldn’t believe it when I checked my Facebook page this morning and the Hobbit page has released the teaser trailer for the next and final movie of the Hobbit trilogy. I’m a big fan for J.R.R Tolkien works so yeah I’m a bit crazy for anything related to it. I watched the teaser trailer and at the end I have to close my jaw because it was AWESOME! I can’t wait till that movie come out, it is so depressing to see that this shall be the end of the hobbit as well the Journey of Thorin and Co. However every story must end somewhere… if going back to Adrian ideas, should it end? Where is the end?
Anyway the poster they created for the final movie is fabulous too, Smaug the dragon looks awesome. It was very thrilling for me so I also couldn’t help but watch the San-Diego Comic-con panel for the hobbit.
(The Hobbit 3: Battle Of The Five Armies SDCC Official Comic Con Panel 2014, uploaded by Flicks and the city.)
Absolutely fantastic, too bad the whole cast is not there. Oh I hope December come soon!
??? Confussion ???
July 29, 2014 | Week 2 | Leave a Comment
Today class discussion on the week 2 readings on creative commons, law, and copyright has make me start thinking. I do quite get the idea of why do you use it, but the more you think about it the more you found blurry lines, and loopholes and questions about it.
One that made me think is that do the laws could be affected by the origin you come from. For example if you live in US of course they are really serious about this such things but if you live in countries that don’t care about it then can you get fined or sued? For example in US there probably no/ not many pirated movies sold on the streets but try Indonesia where piracy is almost a common thing and the people there aren’t getting fined or sued. Also say you blog from Indonesia and you don’t really know much about giving or putting credits to other people work could the person living thousands miles away really could track you down and sued you? Wouldn’t that interact with government laws? How will such ‘piracy’ act be tried?
Another is the issue surrounding doujinshi, this matter has come up before in my last semester course of Communication Debates and Approaches. Doujinshi’s is a comic or manga created by fans of the original version, sort of like fanfiction, the differences is that it is allowed to be distributed and sold. So how does this goes into the category of copyright, although the original comics is copyrighted then how come does the doujinshi is allowed then, in fact Japanese laws allowed them because it supports the economy as there are a lot of fans and buyers. If this is the fact then why do the original authors allows it, would they actually have the right to sue the copy-cat? This is why the law eludes me? For me this supported the idea that where you come from affects the law.
I still think that the law surrounding copyright and law and such is still such a vague thing, hard to understand yet at the same time couldn’t be help as we needed them.
Do we need a beginning or middle or end ???
July 29, 2014 | Symposium, Week 2 | Leave a Comment
Today I found that the content my lecturer, Adrian, talked about was quite confusing, philosophical, and very deep. He was talking about materials and how it matters, about understanding things is crucial to using certain items which in my minds sort of links to how useless if we have a car but don’t know how to use it. Afterwards there are several parts that confused me for example the rhyme, totally not sure what was that one about. Then he started to make example of explaining- what a book is and what it is used for and how do you used it to someone who has never seen, touched, heard of a book. Suffice to say it is very hard. It went through a very long list of how’s to. How can you tell a person that a book is something to read if said person never seen one, how do you tell them to flip a page if they don’t know what a page is, how do you tell them to read a book to gain knowledge if they can’t read. This has to go way back to the beginning starting on the printing press as well the language use on the book. Adrian mentioned that the material of the book somewhat limits the medium.
However one point after the material topic, he went on about beginnings, middle, and end. which makes me start to think about it, why do we write beginnings, middle, and end? Betty, my tutor, sort of talked about how ideas were shaped by Aristotle. For me this was an interesting as I one of my hobbies is writing stories so I didn’t realized this little fact until it was brought to light. I guess in our own way it is our culture that shaped it, I mean because we listen to stories and read to stories there is always something, “Once upon a time…” that marks as a beginning and “The end/ happily ever after” that marks the end of a story that we no longer pay attention to it but it does intriguing to whether do we really need one. Adrian says that ‘the end’ does not really mean the end, it just that the book must end because of the limitation of the medium. But something to think about is that book is materials that have limits, there can be only certain page and certain sizes. But what about if some materials that do not have limitation, Will we have an ending or final page?
If we use our own personal experience as ‘story’ then in actuality we don’t really have a beginning or ending, all we have is middle. I don’t consider that when you are born it is the start because then it is arguable that the moment our parents created us then that might be a start but again it is not up to our decision whether we are created or not it is up to a more higher being and in my beliefs that is GOD. Anyway back to story, and we don’t really have end because we don’t really know where we go after we died, in Christians we believe in heaven and hell therefore our journey don’t really stoop when we dies, it just continues to other things. Like a book having a sequel or something. Anyway I think this was a fascinating thing to think about.
Embedding Vs Posting
July 24, 2014 | Week 1 | Leave a Comment
Learning what it means to embed or to post.
1. Embedding Video, well I didn’t really know which video to use so I figure using my group last project was the best.
Check it out! http://vimeo.com/96074010
2. Posting Video, again not really sure which video to use so I used my recording of my cat doing shake hands, pretty smart eh 🙂
3. Embedding Photo.
4. Photo as Posts,
The beginning of the semester 2014
July 23, 2014 | Symposium, Week 1 | Leave a Comment
How fast time flies still surprises me, 21st of July came and era of the new semester begins.
I’m both worried and excited about this media and journalism strand. Excited because I know I will be learning new things and worried because the overview of this semester seems heavy.
Adrian, my lecturer, explain a few things in his lecture such as learning Tacit knowledge as well learning explicit knowledge. Where he explains that tacit knowledge is not something easily taught rather the way I understood it is the more you it and the more you practice, the more you are knowledgeable. Areas you could put as tacit knowledge is music and sports and arts, those area are not easily taught theoretically it is but practically… not as much. On the other hand explicit knowledge is the opposite to tacit. Another thing that Adrian mention in his lecture is how relation between parts is much more important than the individual part itself, now I find this ides is fascinating because first it is certainly explained the idea of networked media, why? because by network/networking means that you connect to other things ranging from people, things, issues, and other possibilities. I guess the easiest examples to this ‘quote’ is parts of movie. As I learn in my previous course, editing media text as well in debates and approaches, was that human is active being that continuously create meanings and that is implied into movies making how two individual part of a movie or scene could create a story and meaning. I mean I was totally blown by this logic, previously I didn’t give this idea much thought but having to know it now, it just changes my whole perspective. My first week reading which is about blog was particularly interesting and talked about ‘blogs and blogging’ more deeper.
Although I don’t know much about blogging, I’m looking forward to it. Since I spent a lot of times in front of the computer the thought of doing more stuff on the net seems fun.
I hope that once I’m finish with this blogging, I can make awesome blog like The Food Society! (Sorry if I didn’t do the linking correctly) Their blog is very nice and filled with important news on food.
Journey of Blogging Starts
July 16, 2014 | Uncategorized | 1 Comment
So my journey of my FIRST blog starts here!