One of the main reading for week 5 is by Landow who mention that how hypertext first started off for print dissemination to hang annotation and commentary. This is what we do nowadays when we write blogs or a web, we put the reference list or certain information in writing in the form of hypertext, rather than putting it in order in reference list or at the bottom of our page as foot-notes. In my opinion this makes it easier for other readers to get to certain information easily. Namely press that hyperlink word and you shall be delivered to another page with specific info!

An interesting part in the reading is  about Weblog. Here the context of diary is completely turn around, it is something that is not private, is public and anyone can see it. I have to say that I do not really agree with this point of view as I myself keep a diary and I do know that I would like to keep the content to myself so the idea of anyone knowing what I write is very disturbing. I think it is very important to keep the line between what you can write for the public and what information that only you yourself know.

Sometimes I don’t even know why people would publish content or information which in my opinion is private and the rest of the world need not knowing it. I mean don’t they realize it is the web? It is something that everyone, I mean it every single person in the world, would be able to view and see your stuff. I strongly think that there should be a very distinct line to know what to publish and what’s not. Despite the common thinking that we are all normal people and that people won’t snoop into our stuff, the fact that our stuff is out there will be stumbled across upon by somebody and you know what they say, once people talks there is no stopping it.

So be smart and use hypertext to your advantage as it will make your life easier and secondly be aware of what you post in the web. If you need to write something private, do it in a book rather than a web where people could and will find your stuff.

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