Today class discussion on the week 2 readings on creative commons, law, and copyright has make me start thinking. I do quite get the idea of why do you use it, but the more you think about it the more you found blurry lines, and loopholes and questions about it.

One that made me think is that do the laws could be affected by the origin you come from. For example if you live in US of course they are really serious about this such things but if you live in countries that don’t care about it then can you get fined or sued? For example in US there probably no/ not many pirated movies sold on the streets but try Indonesia where piracy is almost a common thing and the people there aren’t getting fined or sued. Also say you blog from Indonesia and you don’t really know much about giving or putting credits to other people work could the person living thousands miles away really could track you down and sued you? Wouldn’t that interact with government laws? How will such ‘piracy’ act be tried?

Another is the issue surrounding doujinshi, this matter has come up before in my last semester course of Communication Debates and Approaches. Doujinshi’s is a comic or manga created by fans of the original version, sort of like fanfiction, the differences is that it is allowed to be distributed and sold. So how does this goes into the category of copyright, although the original comics is copyrighted then how come does the doujinshi is allowed then, in fact Japanese laws allowed them because it supports the economy as there are a lot of fans and buyers. If this is the fact then why do the original authors allows it, would they actually have the right to sue the copy-cat?  This is why the law eludes me? For me this supported the idea that where you come from affects the law.

I still think that the law surrounding copyright and law and such is still such a vague thing, hard to understand yet at the same time couldn’t be help as we needed them.


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