VLOG # 4

This week’s Vlog (4 weeks has gone by soooo quickly) was filmed on Saturday the 16th of August.

I went to the Melbourne Art Fair which was held in The Royal Exhibition Building. I had never been before as for some reason whenever I would buy a ticket something else would come up and I would have to give it away. Anyway, it was a little confusing to navigate I must admit, as everywhere you turned there was a maze of walls covered in art.

I saw a lotttt of beautiful pieces and I also stood staring at a row of people at the top of the stairs for a good 5 minutes trying to figure out if they were real or not. Turns out they were a choir of real people and not wax figures. You never can tell though, there was a mummified puppy for sale. I then went to Brunetti in Lygon Street which is never disappointing. My cannoli was amazing thanks for asking.

– Caitlin

Ps. when I was putting this video together I realised 99% of my clips involved panning, so sorry about that. Just pretend you’re watching a postcards segment or something.

Pps. HD version here

audio sourced from youtube audio library


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