Is The Dream Real?
Missed week 2, get put into International Jobs, appeal, get Social Media.
Film would be my first choice, but Social Media worked out well for me.
The overarching theme was ‘Epic Adventure’.
The dream is real.
My group mates are sensational. It was only week 3 when I realised that so much has been done for the upcoming seminar (week 5), and at the same time so much more to be done. When I joined Bec had already written up the concept behind our seminar, and Imogen assigned roles afterwards. I suggested to the group that we invite at least 1 Youtuber as Youtube’s reach is phenomenal, and it would give us another perspective towards building a career in social media. It is not to be forgotten that we, as seminar organisers, are also participants and it is important that we enjoy the process and learn something from this experience.
It was decided (had to be) by week 4 that our title will be “In(ternet)ception” and our guests are,
1. Marcus Crook & Nick Pearce from Homeless of Melbourne a.k.a “HoMies”
2. Sophie Draper from Uber
3. Sarah Stone, Youtuber
Since I am more familiar with the technical side of things, I teamed up with James to be in charge of the video and audio department. Our job includes creating promo videos and recording the entire seminar. Given the amount of time that we had, I think we were on the right track and were in good shape.