
We had several meetings to discuss the details of the seminar and to further establish our goals and motivations. Me and James brainstormed some ideas for our promo video. Our main inspiration came from the 2010 film ‘The Social Network’.

We were particularly drawn to the introduction of the trailer, as its style is somewhat like what we had in mind. We then proceeded to shoot multiple clips of social media sites, including ‘HoMies’, Uber, and Youtube. James then compiled those clips and worked up a promo vid.

I was told that we had a pre-booked set of recording equipment that we’re supposed to use in recording the seminar. The equipment included 2 NX70 cameras, some lapel mics, tripods, and a standard seminar kit. What troubled me the most was that a mixer was also in the list.

Acquiring clean audio was probably the task that we were most worried about. Me, James, and Azim all worked on the technical side, and we approached the tech staff at building 9 for instructions on how to work the mixer. I personally did some research on how to operate the mixer, just so we would have a proper sound system and there would be no (less) technical problems on the day. It was then decided by the group that we should all have a meeting and head to the seminar venue to get a gist of the surroundings and atmosphere. I took the liberty of taking behind the scenes photos.





We then worked out how to operate the desktop, monitors, and the lighting as we planned to show videos. We also intend to utilise social media to further promote our seminar, mainly Twitter. The hashtag #SocialSeminar will be used by both us and the audience to ask questions or post anything related to the seminar. All was ready.



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