Film/TV2: Analysis/Reflection: Q4
Write your answer in your blog then insert the text here and the link to your post (Use insert link tool).
Listen to the first 10 minutes of Glenn Gould’s radio documentary, “The Idea of North”.
The idea of North 10min.wav or Files are here (experimenting with different sizes and file types) If possible, use headphones. Record your impressions in a paragraph or two.
I was hearing a voice, describing the north, then voices, then it was just noise. There was so much going on during the intro I could barely make out what each person was saying, but I could, however, hear that there were 3 people. When the pace finally slowed down, the documentary shed much more light on the subject they were talking about, and with the introduction of background sounds, I could start to visualise the north. I still found it hard to focus over the prominent accents and background sounds – a train, and incessant wind. Overall, it was rather unsettling as there was an abundance of sound going on throughout the documentary, making it really hard for me to concentrate.