Analysis/Reflection 2: Question 3
I felt that the film in it’s entirety was great. It had a simple and solid plot, it was witty, it was well executed. Most of all, it was genuine. I love the fact that the story is in reverse chronological order, where they show the end first. I was engaged from the start. The script was brilliant, and having an exceptional cast (guy) to complement it just makes it perfect. One thing that did not stand out to me was the female lead. The male lead overshadowed her throughout the film, which did not lead to the ‘spark’ between them that I was expecting. The cinematography was slightly clumsy as some scenes were not framed properly, and subjects were sometimes out of focus. I feel that it is fairly difficult to film a short in just 2 confined locations, and Rolling was able to pull it off. Overall, it was a good short.