Analysis/Reflection 2: Question 2
According to Week 3’s reading, Creating the Sound Design, Alten proposed that listening is perceiving sound with careful and responsive discrimination. I find it very relatable as I feel that sound, like all senses, if not paid specific attention, is subconscious stimuli. In my opinion, good sound design is sound that captures the attention the audience. It is not to be assumed that all sound in a film is ‘picked up’ by a listener, as a single prevailing sound might capture the listener’s attention and every other accompanying sound is just blocked out. I think films with brilliant sound design are the ones that are able to truly captivate me.
He also said that it is pivotal to use the correct type of microphone. Pitch, tempo, dynamics, etc, are all crucial elements in sound recording. In relation to the first point, listening may be selective, but the microphone is not selective. Therefore, I think it is important that we take a careful approach towards sound design – picking up what you ACTUALLY want.