Going Futher with Hypertext Fiction

Michael Joyce’s Afternoon, a story was written in 1987 and is the first known hypertext fiction. Its’ a story about a boy named Peter, a recently divorced man who witnessed a car crash that may or may not have involved…

The End of Books

This vision of the book that is never read the same way twice, it’s interactive and closure would be something you as the reader determine. Possible to have stories that interacted with your choices they probably wouldn’t have the singular…


Hypertext has taken many forms even in this early stage, few of which grant readers the kind of power one expects in informational hypertext. Meaning that because it is fiction and they are exploring narrative they cannot be guaranteed satisfaction,…

Reflecting: Web 2.0

We are the Web.. This is the main message that stayed with me from this clip. How digital text and hypertext is not only linking information, it is now linking people. We create, share and develop through the web. We…

Appreciating: ”The Age of the Essay”

I loved this reading. Yep I said loved! Not because of the helpful tips in structuring an essay topic but for the way this article was written and constructed in itself. Not often do I read an entire reading and…

Bolter: Writing Space

The Pen and Paper vs the Computer These points in the Bolter reading really made me understand technology as writing practices and the evolving nature of writing online. As history played out and new technological advancements occurred, they distanced the…

Weinberger's Small Pieces

Weinberger’s Small Pieces

One question that really stayed with me was: What is the web doing to us as social animals? It’s now extremely difficult to draw the line between public and private on the internet, nothing can or should be considered secret….

Thinking about ”As we may think”

Dr. Bush calls for a new relationship between thinking, man and the sum of our knowledge. This reading made me consider future technologies and become a little design fiction crazy myself. Could we one day be able to purchase a…

Reflecting ‘’Design Fiction as Pedagogic Practice

Towards a fictionally biased design education – Designing for a world that doesn’t exist, coming up with new technology that will one day take over the world and completely consume our lives. I.e. Smart Phones. – This involves forward thinking…

Thoughts on: Design Fiction

‘’ Sci-Fi Writer Bruce Sterling Explains the Intriguing New Concept of Design Fiction’’ Reading Reflection: One intriguing new way to think about the future is through the concept of “design fiction.” When you first hear the phrase, it sounds slightly…

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