Weinberger’s Small Pieces

One question that really stayed with me was: What is the web doing to us as social animals?

It’s now extremely difficult to draw the line between public and private on the internet, nothing can or should be considered secret.

A new redrawing of this line is occurring on the internet, particularly on weblogs and online journals. It is affecting our sociality and our openness with strangers.

The web is the most constructed network ever created, it is profoundly unmanaged and that is crucial to its success.

It is as unorganised as an orgy! (cheers for the visual) what the author meant by this was that the internet is full of people pushing the limits in every direction, voices proclaiming whatever they think is correct. I think the web upsets our expectations, of the world and people.

A new world is opening up that we create as we explore it, setting bytes inflight that shape this world. A world we’ve made for one another.

Now a proud owner of a baby blog, I feel like I am part of a new culture. One that defines its own and is constantly evolving. The web is a big scary place but more importantly a written world and the 300 million people online (now including me) are its authors.