Stress Land

With not long to go I’m running on lattes, an abundance of cheese croissants and pure adrenaline.
There I was naively thinking everything was going to plan:
Flights to South America- check
Contiki paid off – check
Spendings saved up- check
Travel insurance- check
Hang-gliding over the Sacred valley- check
Inca Trek to Machu Picchu- check
Helicopter flight over the Iguassu Falls- check
Passport allowing me to leave the country and enjoy my month long holiday that has had me working 45 hours a week for the last 4 months with zero social life- AHHHH SHIT
Apparently I can’t leave the country or even get past the airport counter with only 3 months validity on my passport.
I need to have 6 months to travel internationally therefore the 3 months go to complete waste causing me to lose a small but significant amount of money for a uni student and send me spiralling out of control into stress land.
So for 2 blurry days I ran around with the striking resemblance to a headless chicken.
– Attempting to fill out 4 online applications
– Being rejected from the old duck at the post office twice
– Re doing a paper copy 3 times
– Losing 2 lots of passport photos
– And paying a total of $343.80 for a freaking priority passport!!!!!!

But all of it was worth it as I just successfully lodged my Brazil Visa and Insurance.
Now with no obstacles in the way of me boarding that plane to Peru in just under a month, I’m finally back to the land of sanity, with a hot latte and croissant to calm the nerves.