Actor Network Theory

– Recent technologies have often the character of a network, that is, of exclusively related yet very distant element with the circulation between nodes being made compulsory through a set of rigorous paths giving to a few nodes a strategic…

Stress Land

Stress Land

With not long to go I’m running on lattes, an abundance of cheese croissants and pure adrenaline. There I was naively thinking everything was going to plan: Flights to South America- check Contiki paid off – check Spendings saved up-…

Unlecture Ideas

– Understanding a mechanism of how networks develop – Networks have a logic of organisation but uneven distribution – Even though we have hubs that accumulate data over time, the new nodes can flourish and become much larger – Scale…

Who is Lev Manovich

Lev Manovich An insightful online biography about Lev Manovich, details of his upbringing, award winning success and his concept of data basing. Manovich Biography

Database as Symbolic form

Manovich After the key form of cultural expression of the modern age used to be the novel and cinema narrative, nowadays its correlate is database in this computer age we live in. Nowadays new media objects are collections of individual…

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