Thoughts on: Design Fiction

‘’ Sci-Fi Writer Bruce Sterling Explains the Intriguing New Concept of Design Fiction’’
Reading Reflection:

One intriguing new way to think about the future is through the concept of “design fiction.” When you first hear the phrase, it sounds slightly nebulous. One useful definition calls design fiction “an approach to design that speculates about new ideas through prototyping and storytelling.”

When I first heard the phrase I didn’t know what to make of it, rushes of ideas flooded my confused brain, design is fake, design is not practical or factual. It’s true it sounded ‘’slightly nebulous’’
The word ‘’prototype’’ made my brain fog clear, speculating ideas that will once be practical in years to come. Story telling, suggesting and pitching design opportunities, proposing new ideas but not claiming to have the resources and answers right now, therefore you avoid getting shot down.

People are reluctant to change. Although they say we live in a world of movement and progression, people still cringe at the suggestion of something different. Imagine when ‘’light’’ was invented, I’m sure people were fine and living practically with candles, probably scared out of their brains that this new development worked on its own. Who knew that one day the world would change so much that cars would park themselves and phones would talk back to you. We are relying less and less on ourselves and each other and more on technology design.

Right now, robots aren’t necessary but one day they’ll be hip. For design fiction to work, it relies on the term ‘’diegetic’’ getting people to think about potential designs for the future and be less focused on what is apparent or needed now. ‘’It tells worlds rather than stories’’