Week 3.b

Reading & Listening:


Glass, Ira (2013) “Harper High School: Part 1” This American Life. Episode 487

-me as the narrator, my role and how I direct the piece. Both in studio and on location narration. Scripted and casual
– narrator the focus and is pivotal in explaining what can’t be seen or heard, which is done through detailed commentary
– location recordings- even with voices over the top, it is really clear WHERE it is set
-reoccurring background music, at the beginning and at the end- and in between links and familiarises the listener
I have noticed this in a lot of pieces now, and I tried to incorporate this in to  my own sketch task 1 (which a few people commented said was really poignant and tied everything together)

– clear beginning-middle-and end

Koeng, S and J Snyder (2014) Serial. WBEZ Chicago 

The opening and narrator really allows us to form a close relationship and the simplicity in her introduction places a great deal of trust in her and the listener WANTS and is encouraged to go on this journey with her



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