1) In the past I have had difficulty comprehending and actively engaging with readings. To improve this and to better my learning, I will not only make key points from the set readings each week, but also raise questions from within the readings in a weekly blog post which will assists my performance.
Week 2 reading:
Sørenssen, Bjørn. “Digital Video and Alexandre Astruc’s Caméra-Stylo: The New Avant-Garde in Documentary Realized?” Studies in Documentary Film 2.1 (2008): 47–59. EBSCOhost. Web. 19 Sept. 2013
“by developing new media technology there is also created a new and changed pattern of production and distribution and, subsequently, a new aesthetics”
-Astruc’s words about “new” media.
Although Astruc (filmmaker from the 1940’s) wrote over 60 years ago, some of the ideas that he explored provide us with ways to think about what is happening now, and although a lot has changed over time, many aspects of digital media such as meanings and things on a more deeper level have remained the same.
This reading really got me thinking about historical and social factors that are prevalent in our use of digital media. The article is concerned about the growth and development of technology, specifically film and TV. Sørensen drew on ideas that Astruc put forward all those years ago, which, although not completely applicable, is encapsulated in today’s media and technology crazy society- the proof is in the pudding, or rather, the constant upgrade of the i-phone. Basically, he was right in saying that everyone has access to a lot of technologies. However, I don’t think Astruc could have predicted it to be to the extent to which it is today.
‘The Web has become a rupture in the wall between the private and public sphere, challenging the dystopia of Habermas in 1962”.
Recently, the evolution of technology in our society today has meant that the internet (The World Wide Web) is part of everyday life causing the gradual molding together of public and private spheres. When we think about, it is very difficult to live life without using the Internet. It is doable, but when I consider my dependence on it, it proves that Sørensen’s theory about the growth and impact technology has. I made a quick mental calculation about my reliance on the internet and found pretty quickly, it is part of every aspect of my life.
Work- roster sent through e-mail, paycheck sent via e-mail
Uni- work to be submitted on line, on line readings, communication with teacher
Other general “life things”- looking up train timetables, accessing and transferring money, keeping up to date with social gatherings, keeping an eye on what my friends are doing, going out for dinner (urbanspoon is a must before money is spent), booking tickets and hotels, I could actually go on forever.