Question 2: Film-TV-1

In the lecture, Jasmine made the point of stressing that screenwriting, especially for a short film is both similar yet completely different (and perhaps more challenging) then writing say a novel or a full length feature film.
whilst applying and sharing many of the rules and conventions needed in these other categories, it is important to keep in mind that in a way, the crux of your story is condensed due to the time frame.
The main things I took away, were her points of:

-“Film characters work better if they are larger than life”. They should do the unexpected, and have bold characteristics. Due to the fact we do not have half an hour to build up a back story and show every minor detail about a character’s life, it is important that they make an impression.

-Another point was that the story should not be about the banalities of every day life, instead, about “exceptional circumstances”, something that will shock or surprise the audience in a short amount of time so they take something away after viewing your film.

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