Question 1: Film-TV-1

When I first started this course, I thought I knew exactly where I would end up. Naturally, it didn’t take long for me to realise, not only do you have to work incredibly hard to achieve your goals, but this industry is particularly competitive.
I have always been an avid writer, so as soon as I heard I would be doing “scriptwriting” in the first lecture, I was immediately eager to get to class.
I hope that Film-Tv-1 will allow me to explore my inner creativity on a more experienced level, and that I am able to gain an insight on how a film actually comes to be.
Although writing is my forte, I hope to have a more clear understanding of other components involved in the creation process, such as direction and production.
Another goal of mine is to comfortably use technical equipment, and have confidence in applying this to the best of my abilities, as, although I have somewhat of an idea, I would not be able to go out into the field and use it without hesitations.
I am really looking forward to this semester, and am eager to see the end result.

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