Week 4 lecture “We are not content producers, we are knowledge creators”

There are a few things that I was able to gain from this week’s lecture, especially considering that we were getting 4 different viewpoints and perspectives.
By answering a series of questions, the concepts surrounding design technology were certainly made clearer, even after doing the readings the previous week.

Design fiction is broader ways of making “stuff”, and does not rely on the basis of evidence. It makes you think about what material counts as evidence-makes you speculate about the contemporary world we live in. An analogy I really liked and understood was, that it is like a food chain, relying on other sources with devastating consequences if one element from the chain was removed. There is no simple answer, design fiction allows for a robust way to think through complexities of issues, not just using yes, no or the elimination method. Instead, it asks for consideration about possible outcomes and scenarios.

Design fiction is a tool to dig ourselves out of a hole that has been around for centuries (winner), which is modernism, which calls on us to think big but not look in-depth or consider consequences.
Designers look to the past to see what has been done but they look forward to see what their work will mean, how it will change the future?

Forecasting and speculating about the future is useless- nobody knows what will happen and the network that we use and are surrounded by is, in black and white, a complicated and tangled web of relationships. The technology on the other hand that we also use, that surrounds us and constructs us, it is an ecology.
A question that really terrified me, considering it has been constantly playing on my mind recently, was the one posed to us by Adrian. “What do you think your job will be in 2020?”- How will I make money? Who is going to pay me? Are my goals and dreams unrealistic? Will I be happy with my job? Will I be able to lead the life I intend to with my job? I will have to revisit my blog in 7 years time and take the time out of my, what I am assuming will be busy schedule, to answer these questions. It is scary to ponder. That one day, I will eventually be all grown up, living out of home, fending for myself, with some means of a career (that may mean still bartending). But then again, there is that fear inside me, that tomorrow, I will get granted by some magical fortune telling, futurist fairy, 5 seconds to glimpse at my life in 10 years time and all I am living on the streets…Can you tell I am Miss. Positive Polly?

Final thing to take from design fiction that it is based on the premis and emphasises that it is not about learning stuff but about making stuff!

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