Lecture week 2

Last week’s lecture was certainly something of an eye opener, and not only that, it was able to keep me off the Internet and have my engagement through its entirety- a rarity in lectures. I am thoroughly interested to see how this subject will play out, whether or not this method of teaching will be successful and if changing the format and structure of lectures will form a better understanding and stronger relationship between the teachers and students. I think people (myself included in this group) are still a bit hesitant to speak out and up in a lecture as they would in a class. Totally understandable in my opinion. We have become accustom to etiquettes and structure of a lecture, so I believe it will take some time to break this barrier.
I am all for trying new things although, ironically hate change. Bit of an oxymoron/contradiction/stupidwaytolivelife I am aware, however only time will tell my approach and opinion about this style. If anything, I haven’t missed a lecture yet, so this must show some inkling of positive feedback?
Essentially, from this week’s lecture, this is what I gained:

-Write about what you know about not just about the course
-Inherently, what we are doing is being knowledge producers, in which we have the liberty and freedom to be “disruptive” with what we say- disruptive as in make a stance, have a voice, don’t stick and conform to the opinions of everyone else I am assuming
-“make strange [Adrian’s] assumptions, change them”
-My knowledge and understanding of a variety of topics will change as a result of this form of publishing. Reading others’ works, opinions, being able to go back and change what was written, it is constantly being tweaked, there is no such thing as a finishing point where everything must be submitted and that is it- non literally speaking.
-An idea as a blog post, I think media is….
*Come back at week 11 and see what has changed. 2 blog posts…only good news
-Blogging is social, symbiotic, fundamental to modern society, qualitively different to its predecessors in media and the way of the future, so jump on!

….amazing I know, that I was able to retain all this information without taking notes on a laptop!



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