Week Five

This week we began the class by briefly looking at the history of fashion. Christina brought in some of her clothes from different eras and her designs from when she was a student at RMIT. It was really interesting looking at the development of fashion and trends, picking up on patterns that have emerged in the past one hundred years. When I got home I looked at some of my dads old sketched from when he was a student, as well as his old catalogues from the mid-90s. I can sort of see a reflection of my own sense of fashion from these designs. I think that I will be able to draw inspiration from the aesthetic he was trying to create in my final fashion film. It will be interesting to see if his work as a student will inform my own now.

We also listened to a speaker at the Design Hub who had directed some on the fashion films currently being featured. It was good to hear a personal account from a professional and learning about the way this type of medium has developed. I think that viewing work and hearing from the directed is always valuable and I particularly like the aesthetic he created in his films. He said that these were all shot on film and spoke about how that varies from the way we digitally shoot today. Film was expensive and therefore every shot became valuable. Nowadays, we can shoot for hours and delete as we go. As he shot fashion shows and similar occasions, I think that film worked well as it really capture the chaos and beauty of live events. This is something we could perhaps try and emulate in our work if we chose to shoot a show.

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