Comedy A2 Week 2 – Satire

(the weekly reading links weren’t working for me when i wrote this) This week in class we covered the comedic ‘genre’ of satire a genre in which I have a decent amount of experience in consuming, though I’d struggle to come up with a solid…

Assignment 2 -W1

Parodies in my opinion can be some of the funniest comedic pieces of media, many of my favourite comedy-related films, shows or skits are parodies. I think playing around in a space where comedy doesn’t usually reside leads to greater creative output, in general, I…

Comedy A1 Index

WEEK 1 Comedy A1 Week 1 WEEK 2 COMEDY A1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 Comedy A1 Week 3

Comedy A1 Week 3

Situational or Story sketches are probably the forms of comedy I am most acquainted with, growing up watching YouTubers like Smosh and watching TV. shows like Saturday Night Live. It is a form of comedy that I think has the potential to be the funniest…


This week was all about visual/silent comedy, which is in essence a style of comedy that relies on a visual punchline or action rather than any form of dialogue. This style of comedy is often seen in (obviously) films from the silent era, from actors…

Comedy A1 Week 1

In week one we mainly looked at the idea of incongruity or surprise and how it can create comedy. Surprise comedy is what I think is probably the biggest form of comedy in the modern age. Looking at most viral comedic titkoks you will find…

A5 pt2 Studio Review

The first group’s media work that stood out to me as reflecting a key insight into our studio was the short film Shrine. Shrine’s plot focuses on an 18-year-old girl who is essentially held hostage in her bedroom following a friendship breakup. I thin Shrine in…

Assignment 4

Reflection Index – Google Drive – Short Film –

Assignment 4 Reflection Index


Assignment 4 Reflection – Final

I hope our final product communicates the many intricacies of ‘Post Horror’ in comparison to the horror many people are more familiar with. Our film includes aspects like social commentary, psychological horror and a lack of focus on jump scares. All tropes have become very…