This week we had the group presentations for our project to check in and show the class our ideas. Admittedly I forgot about this until the night before and most of my group did as well, so compared to other groups we were quite under-prepared. Despite this, we still managed to get a PowerPoint ready in time though I can’t say it was exactly one with a lot of quality behind it. While presenting I think we struggled with communicating our plot properly as between us we all had a very good idea of what we were making which had formed over time as we continued to iterate on the idea yet the synopsis we provided didn’t fully convey this to the whole class. I think this is also because we have been very visual in our discussions, talking about specific shots and camera movements which is also quite hard to communicate to an outsider, though thankfully Bradley came to the rescue and helped explain our film to the classroom.

Since our idea wasn’t conveyed fully and the fact that the script we had on hand was a slightly outdated one I think some of the suggestions made by the guests weren’t as helpful as they could have been (due to no fault of theirs) as some of the things they suggested we change had already been changed or removed entirely. Despite this, there were definitely some helpful ideas, specifically the idea to make the film a bit more surreal or out there due to the drug’s effect, which is what I was pushing for and I think our script in the stage it is in now is far more unique than we originally had it.

Speaking of the script, this week we finally finished and fleshed out the script completely, while I’m sure some things will change as we shoot, like making the dialogue more natural and slightly changing scenes, the script is in a good place with many moments making us laugh out loud as we wrote it. There are still a few things left to change, such as an ending scene we have multiple ideas for and need to figure out which one is the funniest, along with finalising our title and the name of the drug. These are easy things to alter, however, so overall I would say we are well and ready to start shooting, which I am very excited about.