Week 8 Reflection

This week my group continued to narrow down what we wanted our idea to be. Last week we discussed doing a Rashomon-style comedy where one event is shown through multiple perspectives, this week we decided that while we would keep the same general idea (a drug trip gone wrong) we would instead make it a slightly more straight forward story.

We were able to narrow down our characters into basic names and details these details being:

ADAM – Thinks he’s in a documentary/is fully aware of the camera

JOSH – similar to adam, has a good trip compared to everyone else

KEVIN – (Mr ego death) Arrogant, Begins the sketch trying to impress Millie (talks about how experienced he is/gives all of his trippy conspiracies (all lies)) however ends up completely wigging out

MILLIE BOBBY – (Run-away tripper)

☠️UBER DRIVER☠️ – Tries to join the group

In narrowing down these characters we started getting far more ideas for scenes and the overall journey, the uber driver idea came about from the fact that one of our group has a food delivery bag which we all agreed would be a funny visual, especially if paired with a comically small bike or other funny mode of transportation. I suggested the idea of killing the uber driver off, which some members disagreed with though I will continue to fight for this idea as I think it is very funny to have some poor unnamed dude die in some messed up way and have the main characters deal with the consequences, but that might be due to me watching alot of always sunny lately where horrible people deal with horrible situations.

Overall I think my group is in a very good position, we are aiming to have the vomit draft done over the weekend and really get the story narrowed down next week, we have still yet to discuss specific roles but there have also been some roles that have naturally revealed themselves. The most important thing we need to get down is the ending, as we have alot of ideas for the journey but not so much the ending.