5.2 studio reflection

As a group we wanted our short film to have a lot of visual depth to it, being not just funny but also nice to look at, as we felt like a lot of comedy films often only focus on being ‘funny’ and not on…

Assignment 4 index

WEEK 7 – https://www.mediafactory.org.au/bensmith/2024/04/27/major-media-reflection-1/ WEEK 8 – https://www.mediafactory.org.au/bensmith/2024/05/03/week-8-reflection-2/ WEEK 9 – https://www.mediafactory.org.au/bensmith/2024/05/10/week-9-reflection/ WEEK 10 – https://www.mediafactory.org.au/bensmith/2024/05/18/week-10-reflection-2/ WEEK 11 – https://www.mediafactory.org.au/bensmith/2024/05/26/week-11-reflection-2/ FINAL ESSAY – https://www.mediafactory.org.au/bensmith/2024/05/31/final-reflective-essay/


The main way I hope our final artifact engages the audience is through comedy (obviously) and making the audience laugh. Our short film has taken the form of a story sketch, which is what the class looked at in week 3. From the reading ‘Story…


This week was a big week, it was filming Week . On Monday we went and visited the locations we were going to shoot. When visiting the race course we discovered the tunnel we planned to shoot in was shut for renovation, though luckily we…


This week we had the group presentations for our project to check in and show the class our ideas. Admittedly I forgot about this until the night before and most of my group did as well, so compared to other groups we were quite under-prepared….


This week my group continued to add to our idea with Angus creating a vomit script, letting us see what our final product may somewhat resemble. Though I was unable to make it to Monday’s class due to dropping a box of milk on my…

Week 8 Reflection

This week my group continued to narrow down what we wanted our idea to be. Last week we discussed doing a Rashomon-style comedy where one event is shown through multiple perspectives, this week we decided that while we would keep the same general idea (a…

Major Media Reflection 1

Group agreement Mood Board I’ve included a few of “Almost Friday’s” skits as I think they are probably the best online comedy group right now, they remind me a bit of Lonely Island on snl, making pretty high-quality skits that often don’t go where you…

A2 Index Post

Week 1 – https://www.mediafactory.org.au/bensmith/2024/04/06/assignment-2-w1/ Week 2 -https://www.mediafactory.org.au/bensmith/2024/04/13/comedy-a2-week-2-satire/ Week 3 -https://www.mediafactory.org.au/bensmith/2024/04/19/comedy-a2-week-3/

Comedy A2 WEEK 3 –

This week we looked at genre hybridisation, which in simple terms is adding comedy into a non-comedic genre, e.g. documentaries or horror films. In class, we mainly looked at documentary examples which confused me initially as I didn’t realise the clip we watched from ‘American…