Murad Osmann’s #FollowMeTo Series
(image from Murad Osmann’s Instagram account)
Just a while back, I came across this image by Murad Osmann as I was mindlessly scrolling through Instagram (naturally as one does), and it piqued my interest. I mean first of all, without any prior knowledge whatsoever, I was taken aback by the visually stunning photograph itself just right off the bat. Then as I observed the picture in more detail, it left me thinking, wait, hang on, where are they shooting this from? And as I read the caption, it mentioned… a helicopter without doors! Apparently such things exist! So I decided to check out Osmann’s profile and found that he and his girlfriend (now wife) Nataly Osmann started a series titled ‘#FollowMeTo…’ about 10 years ago—which still continues on until this very day,—and it’s basically a compilation of the same format of photos; him holding her hand with her back facing the camera (as seen in the images below).
(images from Murad Osmann’s Instagram account)
I’ve also noticed that he posts not only photos but also videos in the #FollowMeTo series, although I’m pretty sure that his images gain more traction since that’s what the series started with, and the videos are a more recent addition. Nevertheless, I’m keen on knowing more about him and his work as either a photographer or filmmaker (if you can even call him that).
Images from Murad Osmann’s Instagram account –