Being an only child, I’ve always considered my dogs to be a part of my family. Sienna, a female Rottweiler being one of many. I know some might say that that’s too feminine a name for such an almost masculine dog, and some may turn the other way at the first sight of her and her startling bark. But the opposite can be seen in this image of her. She can be “sassy” in her own way when she wants to be; laying down with her front legs crossed, eyes filled with disappointment only to find a camera in my hand instead of a treat.

How can you just ignore her puppy dog eyes—although she’s no longer a puppy. Ever since we’ve been staying at home for a little too long now, she’s been accompanying us to watch the sun set from our front yard, and she just plops herself down on the grass and observes her surroundings—although honestly there’s not much to observe.

Occasionally, she’ll willingly come and sit down beside us, demanding us to pet her—what an attention seeker this one! And once she “smiles” in satisfaction, I immediately whip out my camera to capture the moment. But dogs being dogs, she shies away from the camera. It’s like she has another sense which can detect when a camera is pointed at her. After numerous takes of blurry images, I was finally able to snap the perfect shot of her. Now it’s my time to smile in satisfaction.

Audrey Adeline

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