Week 7: Symposium takeaway’s

With the mid-sem break all wrapped up, it was back into the symposiums this week.

Intent was talked about at the lecture and struck a chord with Marcus who discusses the concept in his blog. He thinks about Adrian’s point that “a speakers intention cannot be really direct to those who it is directed to”. Why? Because what the speaker thinks and what he/she says may be different. It’s also due to the fact that the person receiving the message may deduce a different meaning from the message to what was inteneded by the speaker.

Meanwhile, Madison’s reflection on the symposium focuses again on this notion of privacy, and the implications of the internet on one’s privacy.  She argues that the internet has taken away our privacy and uses the example of RMIT being able to track down any of it’s students/staff/etc by honing in on our wifi signals.

Simone, on the other hand, enjoyed the debate between Adrian and Betty about the nature of narcissism. After taking into account the perspectives of both parties, she concludes that narcissism perhaps stems from a lack of self confidence and negative feelings towards one’s body image.

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