To infinity and beyond

This week’s readings on Design Fiction illuminates us with the “deliberate use of diegetic prototypes to suspend disbelief about change.” Although that may initially come across as a mouthful, it really is less complicated than it sounds.

The idea behind this is for design students to use fiction in breaking the limitations of current technology. The readings explicitly oppose concepts of “metal bracelet[s] that could cure cancer,” as delirious, deliberate attempts at lying to take someone’s money. They do not, however, discourage students from going beyond the social norm and to use their imagination to propel future technology.

An obvious familiar medium for which technological advancement would permeate from is science-fiction literature, such as Star Trek and 2001: A Space Odyssey. By taking away the constraints of an insufficient knowledge towards the unknown future tech, the designer is then free to explore the possibilities of the futuristic trends and lay the framework for their invention. Most importantly, the fictitious aspect allows for the testing of the idea, without having real implications on the designer and their colleagues.

Image by Daniel Zeevi.

Russia and China forms a Defensive Pact

WARNING: This blog post is not in any manner related to films nor TV shows and contains serious matters.

I’m not very politically minded since I like to think of myself as a peace-loving man. Taking up history in school for basically the entirety of my schooling life has shown me just how terrible politics lead to war. One must keep in mind that the First World War was originally known by our ancestors as “The Great War”, thinking that it would end all wars…but they were wrong.

Now scrolling through my Facebook feed, I see this blog post shared by the one and only Occupy Wall St. and I admit that I am afraid. Russia (formerly USSR) and China have been in conflict with USA in the past, specifically during the end of WWII/Cold War.

And now they form a defensive pact? That only means one thing…that there is a threat to which they see the need to remedy. The Americans apparently have “US bases surround[ing] them” and they are “readying themselves for possible global war.”

“China Joins Russia, Orders Military to Prepare for World War III.”

Is this to be the beginning of a third world war? With the nuclear technology available now, such conflict could only result in mutual destruction. And yet American patriotism and their stubborn attitude towards diplomacy would not budge, and I have a feeling that…this might be…inevitable. It makes me worried that Australian politics is shaky what with the upcoming election, with this looming in the horizon.

The image to the left perfectly encapsulates the emotions going through my head as of this moment. I do not want my kids to be deprived of the world that I grew up in. Yet what could a mere 18 year old Media student do about it?

Write a blog post.

Image from weknowmemes.