Author anniegoldring

I am Anniemae.
19 years old residing in Melbourne Australia.
I am hugely passionate about Music, Media and general analytical stuff.
I love to read, write and go to gigs.
I am a dog person, who one day wishes to be a professional Music Journalist.

Audio Interviews; Project Three

Today I began the first of what is potentially going to be many audio interviews with potential subjects for my project three. Upon this exercise with my subject I realised the powerful emotions you are able to expose through careful… Continue Reading →

lost and found

In week threes lectorial the lecture covered the explaining of project three, and explored the idea of Found Footage. Similarly, this exploration of found footage built on a little prior knowledge which was given to me only weeks earlier in… Continue Reading →

Three Handshakes:

The following video is a group task done to experiment with RMIT’s school point and shoot cameras, done in collab’ with fellow  legends Jenny and Jeremy

Media Self-Portrait v2.0

As apposed to my Project One, I used this self-portrait as a way to, rather than show a specific world around me, exhibits my thought processes, and internal reflections.  A major component of this artefact is the sound file of… Continue Reading →

Friday night food for thought.

Whilst spending yet another uneventful friday night home alone in my small little apartment in Hawthorn, I stumbled across some documentaries on the internet which caused me to spend hours curled up in bed, losing track of time until I… Continue Reading →

The Wall.

Somethings upon the shift through generational gap can lose the importance and impact to which it had upon a culture or a time period. This in mind I re-watched Pink Floyd’s The Wall under a contextual filter of the impact… Continue Reading →

Relative Thinking;

This weeks lectorial and reading both had a heavy emphasis on relative thought processes, i.e. the idea brought up in this weeks reading ‘Blood in the Gutter’ of filling in the gaps between various scenes. This weeks reading was based around the… Continue Reading →

Media Lecture: Week Three

In todays Lectorial we had three guest speakers offering insight into the world of industry based copyright and giving us their own personal experiences as examples of the do’s and don’ts of industry level copyright practice. From going through the… Continue Reading →

Week Three Media One: Presentation

In this weeks Lesson as a class we presented our results from our Project One Assignment, in groups we presented our media forms while taking the role of the critic in relation to our own work. This exercise helped us… Continue Reading →

Oh The Places You’ll Go//Gerard Way

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