Within project three what I consider to be some of the most successful elements of my project was the use of Alice in Wonderland and the various natural found footage to express my Nanna Rainy as a person, due to her spending lots of time outside, working on the blocks picking grapes, ensuring her garden was pristine and just generally enjoying the outdoors of her house.

I found it problematic gathering original footage due to her being within a nursing home, her actions are limited with her disease, and while I was attempting to also ensure she was not exclusively represented as a sufferer of Alzheimer’s, I had to find a good balance between showing who she is, and what it is.

In terms of creative possibilities I found the effectiveness of taking footage and playing it backwards has upon a narrative. The use of Alice jumping into/out of the hole and the growing up and fading down of the grass creates an ongoing motif throughout the final piece.

I learnt that careful cutting and editing could heighten the impact and effect, which a piece of found footage can have. Alice In Wonderland alone is just a silent film from 1915 but careful selection can work as a motif of a mental disease, which has impacted not only the sufferer but also the entire family. Learning the effectiveness of found footage has helped me as a media professional comprehend even stronger the aspect of perception, and Kuleshov’s Effect (the idea of audience understanding the narrative), this is seen strongly through my found footage, which uses others footage to attribute to the profile I have created through my video.
I chose my Nanna Rainy due to her being accessible as well having a story to tell. I didn’t want this story to be entirely defined by her disease, however I wanted to show a disease and a side to it, which is rarely seen. I wanted to show all sides of her, her love for singing, her love for the outdoors, and most strongly her love for her family, and her families’ love for her.