Todays week two Lectorial was surrounding the idea expressed in this weeks two readings the notion of intentional noticing, in the second portion of todays lectorial we split off into groups of four and went out into our culturally diverse city to make practice of intentional noticing.
I will make another blog post elaborating upon the findings which came back however the exercise brought about for me the idea of interrelation and while noticing the various media forms which both obviously bombard us in every day life I also started to begin to piece together the various media which i saw before me in the greater scheme of the culture which was cultivated by the various elements of the media.
For example, A major thing i took note of in my groups observation at the state library was the movement of clothing, and the idea of representing a label or band. Often the way in which an individual is dressed can give implications of the media to which they consume. Elaborating on this idea, is an example of an individual I noticed wearing a The Smith Street Band shirt, now deductive reasoning, upon the assumption he purchased the shirt himself is that he indulges in that music genre, which further means that the general conventions of the music scene have impacted him, the trending motions throughout the media form which is the subculture of the genre to which he wears the bands shirt for would have impact upon him. May it be the shoes he chooses to wear, the other artists he chooses to listen to, his hair cut what have you. By a careful noticing/recognition of a band shirt an individual can pretty safely make assumptions of the nature of the wearer.
Further, whilst at the location various individuals with skateboards walked/skated past. Thus through their interaction with one another common similarities appeared, jeans, skate shoes such as Janoski’s and Vans, baggy tshirts with skate labels on them was a convention. Thus one is able to correlate the typical skater with this image of the subculture.
In another post I will go into greater detail about other aspects of what I noticed and what media surrounded the subjects watched at the national library.
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