Being back in school after a year off was weird, moving away from home to attend this school was also weird.
There is nothing more isolating than moving 6 hours away from everything you have ever know to minimal friends, minimal funds (until Centrelink kicks in still waiting) and living entirely on your own.
I often find myself going to talk to something only to realise, my Mum, my Dad, my dog Rosie and my fish Chewbacca are all back in Robinvale. And all I have for company is my succulents and the  suss neighbour who set up a tripod on his balcony??
Another big adjustment for me is the whole cooking for myself thing, I mean yesterday upon getting home from Mildura on the bus at 9.30 I had to not only unpack but I was incharge of cooking my own dinner and doing my own groceries.
The one thing making this whole isolating and home sick experience worth while is how much I genuinely enjoy my classes. How excited I am to study them and how excited I am to learn.
Friendless or not, alone or not, and homesick or not, there is no way I cannot see myself sticking this thing out, hopefully as the course goes on however I will be able to find friends hah.
That would be a major pro.